The River of Music
The river of music, the source of all
Rumbling and welling up within itself
So crystal clear and full of life
A melting point of thousands of melodies
Evoking deep emotions by the crashing of the waves
Higher and higher the sound waves travel
In worship of the one on the throne
Come to me and drink of me until you are full.
The river of music, the Father’s creation
Approach with delightsome enthusiasm
It’s an environment of light with no atom of darkness
Lines upon lines, precepts upon precepts
Roar like a lion, scream like an eagle, trumpet like an elephant, and buzz like a bee
In total, absolute surrender where the heart is engulfed in the melodies of the music.
Listen while seated at the edge of the river
Listen intently to the lyrics emanating from the living river
Write them down on the tablet of your heart
For the time has come for constant visitations of the sons
Through songs, lyrics, and melodies catapulting them to the throne
To behold the dynamic glory of the one on the throne
Arrayed in the ever-changing lights.
Bring the ten-string instrument
Blow the trumpet in a reckless abandon
Stamp those feet in tunes to the melodies
Clap the hands in honour of the risen king
Dance joyfully and shout loudly in this atmosphere of worship
For one thing you must do better than all
The spacious heart must be right in worship
For glory, honour, and majesty belong to our Lord forever more.
Our eyes have beheld his glory
Our ears have heard of his wonders
Because our spirits are alive in Him
He said in Revelations 3:
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Remember, he that has the Son has life within him