The Psalm of Othniel
My Lord,
My Love,
My Lover
My Breath, My Beauty, My Bounty
My Strength, My Sanity, My Stability
If my life could tell a story
If my heart could sing a song
If I have a testimony
If I have anything at all
No one ever cared for me like You
Your faithful hand has held me all this way
And when I’m old and gray and all my days are numbered on the earth
Let it be known, In You alone my joy was found
Your love is in me like a fountain, a fountain that wells up unto life
I see your hand
I hear your heart
I know your will and i love your ways – I love how You love me
You are the sum total of all that matters and makes my life make sense
You have made me the beauty of your perfection:
-eyes that see things not visible
-ears that hear things not audible
-a tongue that speaks mysteries
-a heart that discerns
-hands that heal and are raised in praise
-knees that bend and bow in worship
-feet swift to obey your command
I am the effulgence of your glory
You are the zenith of all that is beautiful
Your love – engaging
Your grace – amazing
Your mercy – enduring
Your strength – energizing
Your presence – endearing
Your person – engrossing
Your power – enlivening
Your word – enlightening
You are simply encompassing
Yet, you have made me Your home
I love You; l love You so much
You are my existence You are my meaning
Without You, i am nothing and next to nothing
With You, my whole life makes sense and has meaning
You are my worship in the morning, my Prayer at noon and my song in the night
You are the Rock on which my life is built, my strength and stability
You are my Chief Executive Officer
You are my Chief Financial Officer
You are my Chief Security Officer
You are my Chief Safety Officer
You are my Chief Medical Director
Haaaaaaaaaa Jesus 😊😊😊
You are my Joy and Laughter
I love the way Jason half shuts his eyes when he mumbles his incoherent words to you when he prays
Jesse loves to say, “I drink the blood of Jesus” – I don’t know where he got that from 🤭🤭🤭
Sweet just loves to talk to you in her alone moments
And me Lord, 🙂🙂🙂🙂 You know how I say it, “You are more real to me than the skin on my body”
Lord, this isn’t much of a poem really; i don’t know how to write one 🤦🤦 – it’s just a chronicle of my realities in You.
Words fail me to describe You Lord
What more can I chronicle?