
The Psalm of LadyAnn

August 2, 2021


Poem To My Confidant

Thank you Holy Spirit
for you are great ,
you do miracle so great , there is none like you

Thank you for changing me both inside and outside .

Giving me heavenly mindset ,
Taking away theology and ideology

Your ways is better than all the ways

I sing a song of melody from my heart in awe of your wondrous glory .

You have alleviated me from drowsiness to Life

Purifying my heart from mundane things to the beauty of your Word .

The more I hear about you , the more I love you

The more you speak to me in different forms , you more my heart genuinely pant after you

I used to think I need people to complete me .
Not anymore ….

I call you Abba, Friend , my love and partner

In my challenges , you didn’t leave me instead you open doors for me to learn and grow more .

Even when I was clueless about situations, you reveal them to me .

How sweet and pure you are .

Tonight, I rest in you totally .

My perfect companion

Your dearest, Ladyann

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