New Dawn
Don’t walk into the New Era with your heads bowed and your heart cringing
Please chin up
It doesn’t matter what you felt ought to be
It matters what you choose to do with what is
Your reality is not dictated by who is in power (if you are a believer)
Our life and times are written to perfection in the divine plan of God
It is easy to get despondent and cry foul or to say we do not want the hand we were dealt
That is the coward’s comfort
The valiant however understands that he or she cannot be held to ransom due to extenuating circumstances
Come what may!
Daniel did not triumph because he was looking for a leader that fit the bill
He triumphed because he understood that men are mere tools in the hand of God
He knew if he stood with God, the will of man will bend to divine leading
Daniel knew what many of us didn’t know about God
He knew the divine controls the mundane and the will of God cannot be sabotaged by any man regardless of his religion or his mindset
We all exist to do the will of God
So, don’t sit in a corner crying about the process
A man must rule
And you must fulfill purpose regardless
Enter this season boldly, dear believer, walk with the God of the whole earth and flourish
I ask this of you that you may not see the next four or 8 years (if you are a Nigerian) as a failure in your spirit
What you see is what you become
Seasons will come and go
The will of God
Will be done regardless
No king was able to truncate the plan of salvation, even though they tried
If God is determined to prosper me, I will be the one in error if I don’t enjoy the benefits being provided by faith
I will prosper as I have always been, for Christ is my light!
He who looks at the weather will never sow and without sowing there will be no harvest
Trust the Lord with all your heart
Set your eyes on things above
Do not be moved by the wind and the waves
Be calm in the face of the storm
You are bursting forth into a wealthy place
This is Your season!
The next few months will yield for you harvests beyond your imagination
You will acknowledge the good works of God and thrive in it
You will lead men and women into fertile investments and eat the good of the land
Existing policies will Favour you and new policies will be written to serve your cause
You have come into the light with glory and virtue
Don’t dim this light by becoming despondent
Make your declarations and watch the land yield unto you in many folds by the leading of the Spirit
It has never been about any man, it has always been about the Man who yields to the leading of the Spirit
Chin up!
This new dispensation will Favour you in ways you didn’t imagine
You will plant and harvest in a million fold
Build houses
Start businesses
Leave the ethnic slant be
Let today work for you and to your advantage
Do not say, “Only if my choice is there will I thrive”
Your choice may not live up to the hype
You never can tell what will be but you can make do with what is!
Remember this instruction and adhere to it
While others are counting blessings in a few months don’t be one of those recounting woes
Refuse to be a victim of unproductive thoughts and imaginations
Choose to thrive!
No man has been given the power to wreck or build your life like you
So choose to build
Choose to thrive
Choose to live
At the end of the journey, our choices will make or mar us
Choose deliberately
Choose to navigate the future smartly
Pray for Nigeria daily and prosper
Pray for the leadership because the scriptures say so
Don’t be petty
Do not expect doom and gloom
The path of the just can only shine
Walk in the light!
I love you