His Love
He loved me
He loved me,
Even when I knew not love
I thought I understood it all
I thought I could love, but it felt
so hard to love in the simplest way possible
I loved, but didn’t know how to show LOVE
I thought I knew, I tried as my senses
could carry me, but things fell apart
Oh looking at the outside they did say,
she is love; but they don’t know, they
don’t know how hard it really was inside.
So I searched, I searched and hungered
for IT,
I really wanted to experience it, it was all
I needed to be HUMAN, it was all I
needed to be complete.
The search went on….
He found me on the way and loved me
but I was so shy, cos the love was so
real that it felt u realistic
I could just drawn in Him and forget all
things, He brighten my day.
Then, then I decided to let go, I decided
not to hold back again and let HIM.
It was the simplest of LOVE, but the
best and greatest of them.
He was the LOVE I longed for,
I felt complete, I felt whole, I wanted more.
Oh! I could smile, I could love again,
I could embrace, giggle, blush.
The colorful garden where I and my
LOVE find our abode, the fragrance of
the sweet smelling petals.
I love the way he loves me, I don’t
want it to end, you can call me greedy,
but I sure want this forever and he
gave me my forever.
Now I can boldly answer the name.