Changing The Course of Tomorrow
There is a new concept in the church that some call family deliverance, they pray and fast and go for the laying on of hand hoping to change the destiny of their family for the better
It doesn’t work
Most of the time it is simply an exercise in futility
Abraham departed to set his new family on the right course
If you will change a man, change how he thinks
If you will change a family’s destiny, change how they think as individuals
If you will observe how things are and will lay it bare to one another truthfully
You can set a new course of action that will change the destiny of your family forever
You must let bygones be gone and change the course of tomorrow
notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant
watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively:
take note of or detect (something) in the course of a scientific study
fulfil or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation)
I woke up this morning with the word observe in my Spirit, just that one word
To watch someone or something carefully and attentively
When we observe, we can also be fulfilling or complying with an obligation
The two meanings are quite contradictory
The first indicates that you do not have to participate or be a part of something, you are just looking at it from afar and taking notes
The second means participating in it to do it as it was laid down by those who had done it before you
Jesus was born into a well-set religious society with religious laws that must be observed by those who consider themselves to be bonafide members of that society
He observed (watched and studied) how they did their things for thirty years
His parents observed (Participated and fulfilled) the rules and regulations regarding the Jewish culture as expected of them
There is a difference between observing to comply and conform and observing to come up with a better way of doing things and insisting the old ways of doing things were obsolete and there must be a new way of doing things if things are to get better
Of course, people will prefer the first: to just go with the flow and not ruffle feathers
It takes only the brave to champion a new course in life
Africans don’t think the Western way of doing things is better than the way of their ancestors
Till tomorrow, some Africans are still resisting change because they are determined to keep the old ways, even though the old ways have been proven to be largely a result of narrow-mindedness, superstitions, and lies
Of course, not everything about the old ways of doing things is evil but if the source of a thing is evil, it is inherently evil
When you are determined to embrace change, you must do so or perish with your old ways of thinking
Jesus championed a new way of doing things simply because the old ways were deficient
Moses gave the children of Israel the law
The law made nothing perfect according to Hebrews 7:19 (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.
This means none of those who followed the law were able to become perfect through it
The law also did not offer anyone eternal life
Jesus proclaimed this boldly
John 5: 39 39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
Everyone who came and died before Jesus came died and went down to Sheol, in the bosom of Abraham because observing the law only served the purpose of keeping them in the place of waiting for the days of the Messiah
This was why Jesus said Abraham rejoiced to see His day
In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, which was narrated by Jesus, we saw how close Hell was to Heaven and how the rich man was able to talk from hell and get a reply from Abraham because only a gulf separated the two places
They were in the same location
Those in Sheol were waiting for the one who will come with eternal redemption to arrive so that they may journey to their final place of rest in eternity
The Bible made it clear that the very day Jesus was crucified, many of them were set free from Sheol and that many of them were seen in Jerulasem as a testament of this to show us that their years of waiting and groaning were over
Matthew 27: 52 And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Jesus was the one who perfected all things
He was the one who came with grace and truth
He was the Messiah who came with the solution to the dilemma of creation by proferring a once and for all sacrifice that abolished the old ways of doing things
Under the law sacrifices of goats and bulls had to be made daily
Under grace, sacrifice was no longer required because Jesus was our once-and-for-all-time sacrifice that was required to satisfy the wrath of God
Romans 5:9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
This is the life that we have been given in Jesus, the benefit of our salvation in Christ
This was what the new way of thinking championed by Jesus Christ brought to the whole world
In it we found enlightenment, we were translated out of darkness and every knowledge and way of darkness into the light, we became sons and we were given eternal life
The new ways of doing things were far better than the old ways of doing things
Why then do people hold on to the old ways of doing things?
When there is clearly a new and better way of doing things?
You come into a family, you observe how they have been doing things
Are they united?
Do they have sincere love for each other?
Are they determined to help each other grow?
Are they happy and do they celebrate each other’s growth and successes?
Even though you were born into this family and they have a culture of doing things, you observe
You don’t have to do things the way they have always done things because this is their culture
Jesus was counter-cultural all the way
The impact of the domineering mindset of Jesus is still being felt all over the world today and yet he lived only for thirty-three years
Methuselah had zero impact on the world and he lived the longest in history
It is better to live a short and impactful life than to live long and have an evil legacy
Imagine a family where all the children were set against each other
When the first child talks about his siblings, he will lament for hours, recounting tales of the evil done to him by his mother and the other children with whom he grew up
What do these stories do to his children?
It colours their opinion of their siblings, they were raised to be suspicious of their father’s younger ones and to treat their cousins and other relatives with caution
When the second child talks about his siblings from the same mother it is the same
None of the children have anything good to say about each other
And yet when they meet they will sit down and pretend to tolerate each other while you the child and all the other children observe their behaviour
Soon you notice the same character trait in your generation
Your siblings from the father and mother had observed and were actively participating in the culture of suspicion you met on the ground
They were doing this instinctively because they did not know any other way of behaving
You observed and you realise the cancer is spreading and corrupting the coming generations
Some families grow together and thrive
The Adefarasins, The Adeyemis, The Oyemades, the Awolowos, The Kutis
You see these families all around
Well-banded together and pushing one another to the top
You notice Seun Kuti (Not a born-again Christian yet) talking about Made Kuti as the best of them while tracing their musical heritage from their great-grandfather to his cousin
You see how the Cokers would defend each other and stand by each other through thick and thin
The enemy for them was never within and when the enemy is from outside, they come together and fight it to the last in unity
In your own family, however, you notice the enemy was always within
They must pick one of their kind and tear him or her to pieces with their words
The people who are supposed to be pulling one another up are the same people tearing each other down
The first had to go make his money in secret for fear of sharing his joy with the second
The second had to keep his family in isolation, for fear of exposing his children to the evil influence of another
The third had to fight hard to make headway in life
The fourth had to keep her children far away from the rest because of strife
You were observing and you were praying to be like Jesus
You were saying it is either we reset this process or find ourselves swallowed whole by the miry clay of backbiting, gossip, suspicion, and hatred
When the opportunity came, you were determined not to follow the same pattern and culture that they had followed and had embraced as the norm
Of course, you know there will be resistance but you were built for it
A generational departure is imminent
You must be determined to champion it
This was what Christ did for the believer on the cross
He was willing to put that which he had observed as a failed way of life to the sword and he established a new way of doing things which brought eternal life to everyone who believed in him
As a believer this is how to be a practical Christian, allow yourself to observe how things are done in your family, among your children
Observe their prayer patterns, what do they say? What does it reinforce? How does it affect how they think?
Teaching your children to pray enemy prayers makes them conscious of enemies all the time
They talk of enemies, think of enemies, and pray about enemies
Teaching your children to be suspicious of relatives and family members makes them grow up cautious and full of distrust
It is an African thing to tell your children not to allow this person to touch them or that person to touch them or anoint them with oil and cover them with the blood of Jesus before every family event
You are sowing seeds into those lives that will ruin your family in the future
Raise your children to be conscious of the power of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of love that is in Christ Jesus
There is nothing to gain by tearing down your siblings and living in unforgiveness
Some of them have indeed grown into the old ways that they have become like cancer and you feel you need to cut them off
Know this day that they cannot hurt or touch you and your family
The power of Jesus in you is a power of love and love conquers all things
PS: If you have a strong man or strong woman in your family who you believe is the evil one disrupting the peace of the family, instead of praying that he or she should die or quench, serve him or her a notice of a takeover
Say it this way
“I (insert your name) of Zion, declare today that my generation belongs to me and is spared from the evil influence of the tradition, culture, customs, norms, and values that had existed in (the (Insert your family name) before my time
I bring order instead of chaos
I have come to put things as they ought to be and to kill the evil influence of darkness and dark thoughts that had dominated my family before I arrived on the scene
I have observed and found this culture to be inadequate and unacceptable
I have judged it
I have found it wanting
And today, I have taken the kingdom from it
I declare that in me the days of Christ have come
I have taken my place”